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Our New Business Venture

 My New Business Venture with My Friend, Dato’ Joe @Canai 15 Hanging out with Dato Joe from Canai 15

The Dream Maker - Dato' Sri Nicky Liow Soon Hee

The Dream Maker - Dato' Sri Nicky Liow Soon Hee

He is a dream maker, created a platform that can help many people realizing their dreams;

He is a strategist; he has proposed one after another winning strategy, creating many millionaires;

He is a business talent. Even though he is not highly educated and his is young, he is always a step ahead of others in business opportunities.

In addition, with a professional attitude, he stepped into the field and became the leader in the industry!

Workplace experience

Since the ancient times, heroes do not ponder on their background, the poor lacks courage the most. He was born in a typical ordinary family, not rich. His father was a renovation worker, and his mother was a housewife. In order to reduce the family's burden, he entered into the society at a very young age and worked in various industries. It can be said that he has experienced all walks of life and exposed himself with people of different classes. This helped him to build a vast network of contacts, learned the way to deal with people, formed a strong foundation, which created the birth of this business talent.

With the belief to take up courage and responsibility, and the principle of honesty and faithfulness, Dato Seri Nicky Liow started his business when he was 24 years old and now his accomplishments have been recognized by the national rulers by awarding the title of Dato and Dato' Sri to him. The corporate empire established so far includes: Blockchain technology, E-commerce platform, mobile Internet platform, network design, software development, online game development, jewelry industry, chain stores, cross-border real estate, tourism, leisure and entertainment, multi-media, self-produced high-end brand bags, production of YBT 4G Lite smart phones, education and training, automotive industry, F&B chain and so on.

This is all because he knows how to make use of his personal connections, knows how to use his strength, know how to manage talents, recruit talents from different industries to join the group, build an elite team, strategize, grasp the opportunities and stabilize the business.

Recalling the establishment of the group's predecessor "dreamcloud", it can be said that it is an accidental incident, and it has become a huge turning point in the career of Dato Seri Nicky Liow.

Dato' Sri Liow recalled this incident, "A little girl from a poor family in Yunnan, China suffered from a cerebral hemorrhage, but they did not have the money to do medical operation immediately. After I heard of the news, I immediately gave donations to them. Fortunately, it was enough for the little girl to go to the hospital and saved her life in time."

The grateful beneficiaries later expressed her gratitude for the donor's life-saving generosity and asked about the whereabouts of Dato Seri Nicky Liow. Dato Seri Liow, who had long forgotten about this matter, inadvertently returned to Yunnan due to a particular itinerary. After the beneficiaries were informed of the news, they sent people to wait for his passing at the intersection every day. Looking at the rushed figure of Dato' Sri Nicky Liow, the family of dozens of young and old immediately wanted to kneel down and thank him. Dato' Sri Nicky Liow, who was caught off guard and hurriedly picked them up. He recalled that the scene as if it was still vivid, as if it was an electric shock.

"Do not ignore kindness even if it is small." For Dato' Sri Nicky Liow, this unintentional kindness brought him a great impact in his life and inspired his determination to integrate charity into the company. "If we want to be committed to charity and good deeds, from a realistic point of view, it cannot be done with just enthusiasm or a mouthful of love. We need huge funds, strong financial, so we founded the "dreamcloud" project. "Dato' Sri Nicky Liow, who can't hide his whim said avowedly."

"Everything is difficult initially", when Dato' Sri Nicky Liow began the "dreamcloud" project, it was as if he crossing the river by feeling the stones, blindly groping, in addition to his unruly character, and now slowly mature attitude, the dream in his heart is also rapidly burning up. The responsibility for life constantly reminds him to be a truly strong person.

"Strengthening "dreamcloud" is to take love as the goal, helping others success as the core value of life, to give a good platform for the poor, starting from changing ourselves, then enter society with a larger social mission to help more people in need! In order to realize the ambition of helping others, and open up the popularity of the "dreamcloud", Dato' Sri Nicky Liow is committed to promote the Winner Dynasty Group, including the Cuppatea Chain, e-commerce platform, Mobile App (APP)-Yunbao Mall, the F&B industry, the film industry, various physical projects and other complementary projects to help more of the ordinary people to success.

Reverse Thinking, Profound Chinese Culture

Dato' Sri Nicky Liow, who has a special liking for Chinese history, is familiar with proficiency, whether it is the 'Romance of the Three Kingdoms' or the 'Art of War'. "I personally like to read and explore Chinese history, such as the Sun Tzu's Art of War, the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, etc. These seemingly distant stories have been applicable throughout the test of time. For my young self, it is really wonderful to learn lessons about life and business operations from them."

The friends who know Dato' Sri Nicky Liow know that Dato' Sri, who is good at thinking against the herd, often jumps out of the stereotypes of ordinary people and presents his own unique insights into things. The idiom of "crossing the river and breaking the bridge", although it's meaning is derogatory; however, everything has two sides, as long as it is used in the right place, the result will be different."

Dato' Sri Nicky Liow, who is innovative in thinking, has deep interest and integration with Chinese history and culture, and further integrates its savvy strategy into the current situation in the world today, and applies it aptly to his vast corporate management, not only highlighting his outstanding individual talents, but also manage all the companies under Winner Dynasty Group to be well organized and prosperous.

Insight into future strategizing

The development of technology has changed the transaction method of humankind. From ancient barter system, to currency under gold futures, to the current cryptocurrency discussed in business and technology, Bitcoin has changed the way people live.

With a vision of his own, he is aiming at the rise of the e-commerce business model, unprecedented success in life, and then connects digital assets encryption with Cuppatea, laying the foundation for the two core businesses of Winner Dynasty Group. "People often say that they have to stand on the shoulders of giants to look down on the world, but now they have to change a little and follow the footsteps of the future, so they would not be only shadow seekers of others."

How many people are there who understands me in this vast world?

Climbing his ladder to the top, Dato' Sri Nicky Liow said more than once, "How many people know my thoughts in this vast world?", this sentence sighs that this road is not lacking of people around him, but only few people know his thoughts.

But behind this loneliness, people see his tenacity and persistence in things. Some people say that his jumping thinking leads to his words and actions often not in order, because he is always surprising people when he is doing things, always making people feel that he is unpredictable, but can always achieve unexpected results; others say that he is a dream maker because he has helped more than 5 million people on the edge of their lives realize their dreams.

But no matter how others evaluate it, he is always the well-known Dato' Sri Nicky Liow: with dreams and forward-thinking thinking, walking in the business world with a gesture and thinking that has never been seen before, leading the Winner Dynasty Group in advancing towards the goal of promoting national brands.

He is very clear that it is difficult to become a strong person and it is even harder to be a strong person with a dream. Sometimes dream will shatter, and can't achieve everything he wants.

Therefore, Dato' Sri Liow slowly learned to build himself up, slowly learn to change, and slowly learning to take responsibility. Growth is like metamorphosis, it is painful, but there will be a day to spread its wings.

"The "dreamcloud" project is my beginning, it holds my dreams, and I have gained faith.

I once compared myself to the seeds of a flame. I think now I have begun to flourish."

Only knowledge can change a person's value

After the founding of the Winner Dynasty Group, Dato' Sri Liow has always conveyed a message about the importance of knowledge; because only through education, people able to get rid of poverty.

He believes that only knowledge can change a person's mentality, a person's value. There are always many difficulties and bumps in progress and growth. Sometimes we are reluctant to do anything because our ambition is unclear and we have no clear purpose. But another explanation for this is because our own fear, and the lack of will to adhere to the end, the opportunity will fade away, and become nothing. However in life, a true strong person is the person who has a dream and do not give excuses.

"While building up our ability in all aspects, we must pay more attention to "practicing our heart" and keep a pure heart in order to cultivate great achievements. After finding the dream and realizing the ability to achieve it, we need to be determined and self-reliant in the process coupled with hard work. As a WDG family, we must have dreams. We must dare to set our own dreams at all stages of life, because our dreams are an important part of our empire."

"Although we all know that it is inevitable to encounter various setbacks in life, but as long as there is a faith and we strengthen our own quality to try to fulfill our own dreams, the setbacks will naturally become the driving force of our dreams. The previous dream might only be a figurative speech, but the dream now is more like a kind of expectation. Therefore, in order to achieve oneself, for the corporate empire, the children of the WDG family should move forward until their dreams are fulfilled."

"When I am determined to take this road, I don't care about the length of my life. I don't care about anything else. Even if the road is rugged, even if it is a long journey, I will not look back. I know my purpose, the length and value of my life is to give to the WDG family who seem to have lost their way, drifting in the boundless sea, and the unfortunate people who are the least concerned and rejected in this cruel society!"

Practice "The Cabin" concept

Since young, the chairman believes that to lead a group to success, we must know how to make good use of the "cabin concept." That is, as a captain, you must take care of what happens under the cabin. For example, how to lead employees to get along and ensuring that there are no loopholes in the bottom of the ship. At the same time, you must be able to read the wind and waves outside the cabin right, such as future trends and ongoing events.

The chairman knows this concept well, so in addition to being good at leading employees, he is also aiming at a trend that is also a part of Winner Dynasty's projects encrypted digital assets.

Just like the trending Bitcoin right now, when everyone talks about crypto assets and scorned about its future development, the chairman put him out in 2017 and 2018 to invest in it, thinking that it must become a trend of the future. Because of this, he successfully 'boarded' on the Bitcoin train and started to move towards success.

However, the chairman believes that the concept of Bitcoin should be more complete, so it has created the Winner Dynasty coin belonging to Winner Dynasty Group, and the current development has justified the cabin concept mentioned earlier, which has already made the Winner Dynasty Group a success. Many Winner Dynasty members who believe in themselves follow the footsteps of the chairman to succeed.

In fact, many people have forgotten their original dream and blurred the original intention of the dream, but he still believes that life is like the boundless sky, a storm without warning will appear, and wishing for a rainbow to appear. Only when there is constant effort to fulfill the promise and put words into action, we can build a Noah's Ark and conquer the vast ocean with the WDG family.

"Because I have a dream, even if you have hurt me and betrayed me, I will use love to tolerate you, forgive you, as long as you remember the existence of me- Nicky Liow, I am willing to be your shadow, backing you up, and become the giant behind you."

From the talks, it can be seen that Dato' Sri Liow is changing, but it is still the same passion in his heart, to save the people who have been hurt all over the world.

In the process of pursuing dreams, Dato' Sri Liow has gradually grown from his tenderness, and his heart gradually became firmer. He knows that although this may have just been the beginning, the road ahead is still very long. There may be flowers and applauses; there will still be bumps and thorns. However in any case, he will unswervingly move towards his goal! He will also be determined to walk calmly and firmly every day, and let the dream accompanies his life, until the day the Winner Dynasty corporate empire is finally accomplished.
