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Dato' Sri Nicky Liow Soon Hee, Winner Dynasty Group Chairman

Dato’ Sri Nicky Liow’s Quiet Philanthropy 

 Dato’ Sri Nicky Liow is cut from the same cloth as many a millionaire; philanthropy is in his blood. As his wealth has accumulated over the years, including from his savvy Bitcoin investment, he has found charities, causes, and people to help along the way.
 Being a philanthropist started on 2015 for Dato’ Sri Nicky. On a business trip to Yunnan, China, he heard about a young girl who had suffered a brain haemorrhage and immediately came forward with a charitable donation. On a subsequent business trip, the people from her village found out he was in the area and went out to greet and thank him.

Offering Hope

 This donation and show of gratitude set off a chain of charitable acts, including building a long-term relationship with Hope Children Centre in Melaka, Malaysia. The centre is an orphanage, looking after children who have lost their parents or whose parents aren’t able to look after them. By offering regular financial support for the children in the care of the centre, Dato’ Sri Nicky give them stability and the ability to plan for the long-term education and care for their wards.
 As with some of the great philanthropists of our time, it’s not just about money for Dato Seri Nicky Liow. Harnessing his love of fitness and wellbeing, he has also been known to participate in charity fun runs. By using his profile to boost causes, as well as donating chunks of his sizeable wealth, he can offer more than just a cash boost.
 Although he usually keeps this work as a local event, he seceded to the media staff at his company and let one such charity run be filmed. Here is the video of him participating in an event in April 2017, showing the care and respect he garnered from the local people who were there to support the day.

 Doing the Right Thing

 2017 was a rocky year for Dato’ Sri Nicky. Although this was the time he made his most shrewd investment and added Bitcoin to his portfolio, he was also involved in an unfortunate incident with some local authorities in Malaysia. To demonstrate there was no ill will, he made some sizeable donations to charities and people that were important to those involved.
 RM70,000 was donated in order to by a Community Police ambulance, this ambulance has been recorded has having saved fifteen lives, and is still in operation helping many more people. He also gave RM20,000 directly to Community Policing.

 Learning Curve

 Since education and looking after the younger generations have always been close to Dato Nicky’s heart he also chose to help in this realm at the same time. He learned of a university from Kedah student whose father had been diagnosed with cancer and mother had had a stroke. By donating RM30,000 he was able to ensure the student was able to carry on his studies without worrying about the financial burden.
 Another student that was a recipient of his benevolence was a girl hailing from Melaka. As smart as she was, with four A grades in her diploma under her belt, her family weren’t able to raise the money to help her continue her education into university. By donating RM50,000 to the girl, she was able to go to university and start to seek a successful future like her kind benefactor.
 Although it is a fine endeavour to help individuals, enabling whole communities is also seen as a worthwhile cause by Dato’ Sri Nicky. He has also donated RM50,000 to a school so that they could build basketball courts for their students and community to train on.

 Other works that he rarely brings the public attention include:

 1. Donations of ambulances and hearses
2. Giving hearing aids to deaf people without their own means
3. Made a donation to Diamond Education Social Services
4. RM250,000 contributed to the rebuilding of the Labour Care Service Centre, Penang


Big Love International

 Along with his charity work in his home country of Malaysia, Dato’ Sri Nicky still feels an affinity with his ancestral land of China. Following the mission of his company of Ta Ai, meaning ‘big love’, he as established six primary schools already. As ambitious in his philanthropy as his business, the plan is for 1,000 ‘Big Love Primary Schools’ to be set up by him.
 Indeed, all of these instances are the ones that are made public. It is very common for most millionaire philanthropists to be extremely generous. We can be sure that this generosity is only the tip of what will be a deep iceberg.
 Being young and wealthy is a huge responsibility, as other tech entrepreneurs have discovered. Dato’ Sri Nicky Liow has worked hard to be able to thread the needle of running a profitable company that innovates and nurtures talent alongside helping those in less fortunate positions. With just the few snippets that he releases to the public about his philanthropy it seems he is a leading light in the Malaysian bitcoin millionaire community.