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Showing posts from December, 2019


Our New Business Venture

 My New Business Venture with My Friend, Dato’ Joe @Canai 15 Hanging out with Dato Joe from Canai 15

Shanze Magazine featured Dato' Sri Liow Soon Hee

拿督斯里廖顺喜坚持公益 秉承爱心 持续前行

“Charity should be started from “heart”, money has never been the only standard..

Dato' Sri Liow Soon Hee wishing all a Merry Christmas

Dato’ Sri Liow Wishing All Happy Winter Solstice Festival

拿督斯里廖顺喜(Dato Sri Nicky Liow)心怀公益大愿景

Dato' Sri Nicky Liow Soon Hee received Malaysia Kind Hearts Award 2019

The Dream Maker - Dato' Sri Nicky Liow Soon Hee

Dato' Sri Nicky Liow Soon Hee, Winner Dynasty Group Chairman

拿督斯里 廖顺喜 Dato Sri Nicky Liow

Dato Sri Nicky's Contributes RM220,000 To Help The Needy